Sunday, February 6, 2011

Reflective Journal-Dr. Agar Adamson

This lecture was very interesting for me personally. During his preliminary remarks about how the internet has facilitated the revolution in Egypt I found myself thinking about how in 1517 the printing press facilitated the revolution we call the Protestant Revolution. Without the ability to print and distribute literature quickly and cheaply the Reformation would have been quashed before it began. One wonders how the revolution in Egypt would have lasted without the ability to publish news, photos and plans for demonstrations online?

I was encouraged to hear that in his career Dr. Adamson tried to separate his own political views from what he taught in the classroom. This is admirable. However two minutes later he said that he tried to cause his students to be able to see the other side of the issue, "especially if he [note the lack of gender neutrality] was a died-in-the-wool Tory." So, am I to understand that he lacked this separation when dealing with Conservatives/conservatives? He also went on to say tell the class that Ronald Reagan [who turns 100 today!] was a puppet of the Neo-Conservatives and praised the virtues of the state-funded media in Canada at length, even suggesting that the CBC is a politically-neutral force in the media. I'm happy Dr. Alexander isn't the same way with us.

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