Sunday, January 30, 2011

Media Analysis-Tide of Public Opinion finally turning in the US

According to this poll done by Fox news, thirty-eight years after Roe v. Wade, the tide is turning against legalized abortion. With numbers like this I believe it is possible for Roe v. Wade to be overturned in five years, providing of course President Obama is defeated in 2012. The poll shows that between 1997 and 2010 the number of Americans identifying themselves as "Pro-life" has gone up from 40% to 50% while the number of those who identify themselves has decreased from 50% to 42%. The importance of these figures for the abortion debate can hardly be understated (provided, of course that they are accurate).

Even more telling than this, in my opinion, is this note from New Jersey. If you don't have time to read the whole thing read this quote from it:

After watching Gov. Chris Christie try to burnish a reputation as a fiscal conservative, political analysts said the New Jersey governor on Monday significantly broadened his national credentials as a social conservative by joining abortion protesters at a rally and encouraging them to "stand up and speak strongly in favor for the protection of every human life."Christie spoke to the crowd from the top step outside the Statehouse, with the temperatures in the teens and the governor not in a topcoat. But there were other reasons why the five-minute speech was unusual.

Marie E. Tasy, executive director of New Jersey Right to Life, said it was the first time a New Jersey governor had addressed a pro-life rally. The event marked the 38th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court Roe v. Wade decision.

Christie had been silent on abortion during his first year in office and didn't refer to social views when he slashed funding for family planning from the state budget, saying that was a fiscal decision.

A state governor unabashedly lending his support for the Pro-Life movement. In New Jersey. If we thought the debates of the past surrounding this issue were heated it looks like we haven't seen anything yet.


Anonymous said...

Hi Tom, Interesting article! What do you think might be contributing to the changing tide in public opinion? -- Ali

Tom said...


President Obama didn't waste any time throwing his support behind the pro-choice movement after his inauguration. The US is now sending money to pay for abortion worldwide. I think Americans are alarmed at how things are so quickly moving in this area.


likda.morash said...

Wow, that is actually really shocking to me. I personally would think with a more modern way of thinking here in Canada that there would be a lot of similar trends in our neighbours to the South and that if anything, pro-choice supporters would be increasing. This is pretty unreal...

Tom said...


I find it interesting that you equate your position with "a more modern way of thinking here in Canada" but don't explain why. Moreover you go on to imply that the trends on this side of the border ought to effect those to the south. Why?
