Monday, January 17, 2011

A little about me...

I'm twenty-nine years old, and moved here from Toronto to work in L'arche here in Wolfville just over two years ago. I have never been to university, or attended any secular post-secondary school. I'm pretty apprehensive about being here at Acadia and I'm already very daunted by the amount of work I have to do simply to keep the people in the enrollment and accounts departments off my back. I feel like my future will be in jeopardy if I don't follow their rules and do well so I am obliged to fulfill these obligations without complaining.

I have been interested in politics since I was eleven years old when I lied about my age on a membership form to join the NDP. Although I am still a member of a political party (not the NDP) I have mellowed considerably and my zeal for the political process has been tempered by a healthy dose of cynicism. Over the years the writers that have influenced my political thinking the most are probably Thomas Sowell, Friedrich vonHayek, Eric Hoffer and (I'm almost ashamed to admit) Ayn Rand. I hope that this course will be an opportunity to expand my opinions about the state of Canadian politics which I have to admit are probably a little too parochial to take seriously.

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